Still Keeping All Of Us Safe
Infection control has always been our Calgary dentist’s top priority.
Infection Control At
Our Calgary Dentist Office.
It's the cornerstone of safe and effective dental care.
Infection prevention and control protocols and universal precautions protect both our patients and our dental team. Rigourous commitment to these infection protection and control protocols is the cornerstone to a safe dental practice. Our Calgary dentist, Dr. Dirk Thompson, is committed to following all mandated infection prevention protocols set out in the College of Dental Surgeons of Alberta’s Infection Prevention and Control Standards and Risk Management for Dentistry as well as universal infection control procedures.
If you have any questions or concerns about our infection prevention and control protocols, call our office today and one of our helpful team members would be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Have any questions?
Interested in more information?
Our Calgary dentist welcomes your inquiries.
All of our Calgary dentist operatories are equipped with HEPA filtration units to increase the number of air exchanges per hour.
Our Calgary dentist team screens all patients for COVID-19, flu and cold symptoms as well symptoms of other infectious diseases.
Hand disinfectant is readily available for all patients and visitors and our Calgary dentist team follows universal hand-washing protocols.
All re-useable dental equipment and instruments are cleaned, disinfected and sterilized according to manufacturers' instructions and the College of Dental Surgeons of Alberta's protocols.
All clinical surfaces are cleaned and disinfected with appropriate disinfectants between each patient.
The reception area, door handles, countertops, credit card devices and all high touch surfaces are cleaned frequently with appropriate disinfectants.
Our Calgary dentist office uses the DentaPure™ Cartridge for microbiological dental unit waterline purification in all of our dental operatories. This system reduces bacteria in dental unit waterlines and ensures that the water quality in our dental unit waterlines meets or exceeds the standards set by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) for safe, clean drinking water. For more information, please contact our Calgary dentist office.
The Canadian Dental Association (CDA), the College of Dental Surgeons of Alberta, Alberta Health Services and the Government of Canada provide recommendations for infection prevention and control protocols for healthcare facilities. If you have any questions or concerns about our infection prevention and control protocols, please let any one of our Calgary dentist team members know and we will be happy to answer any question you may have.
Have any questions?
Interested in more information?
Our Calgary dentist welcomes your inquiries.
COVID-19 and Our Calgary Dentist Office
As always, our goal is to continue to provide you with exceptional dental care while at the same time making the health, safety and well-being of our patients, dental team members and community our priority.
Although we have relaxed some of the extraordinary COVID-19 precautions that were instituted in the early days of the pandemic, our Calgary dentist office continues to follow the infection prevention and control recommendations of the College of Dental Surgeons of Alberta as they relate to COVID-19 and other infectious diseases.
Some of our COVID-19 protocols include the following:
Screening all patients for symptoms of COVID-19 and other respiratory and infectious illnesses.
Asking all patients with symptoms of COVID-19 or other respiratory illnesses to reschedule their appointments until their symptoms have resolved.
Requiring that all of our Calgary dentist team members self-screen daily for symptoms of COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses and, if symptomatic, to stay home and only return to work as recommended by the protocol established by Alberta Health Services for healthcare employees.
Having face masks and hand-sanitizer readily available for all patients, visitors and team members.
Having a spacious and comfortable reception area to allow for social distancing, if desired.
Frequently disinfecting our Calgary dentist office's reception area, door handles, countertops, credit card devices and all high touch surfaces with appropriate disinfectants.
We Cater To Your Unique Health Requirements.
For patients who are considered to be at high risk such as those over the age of 65, those who are immunocompromised or those who have any other special health requirement, upon request, our Calgary dental office has special appointment times available where there are fewer patients and team members in the office. Arrangements can also be made to have only one patient in our dentist office at a time.
For added protection, we also have a fully enclosed dental operatory available to minimize any outside aerosols as much as possible.
Do you have another special request? Just ask us.
Understanding Your Health Screening At Your Dental Appointment.
What to expect and why we ask.
At the beginning of your dental appointment, our Calgary dentist will ask you a series of questions relating to your health, including questions about possible exposure to infectious diseases. In addition to providing us with an understanding of your overall health, these questions are mandated by the College of Dental Surgeons of Alberta and allow us to respond appropriately, including by taking any necessary additional exposure or contact precautions or by requesting that you reschedule your appointment.
You can expect your health screening by our Calgary dentist to include the following questions.
Health Screening Questions:
- Do you have any symptoms of COVID-19 or other respiratory illnesses?
- Have you tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 10 days?
- Do you reside with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 10 days?
- Do you have any other active infectious diseases?
- Are you feeling unwell today?